Formatting Cout Output in C++ using iomanip

Creating cleanly formatted output is a common programming requirement--it improves your user interface and makes it easier to read any debugging messages that you might print to the screen. In C, formatted output works via the printf statement, but in C++, you can create nicely formatted output to streams such as cout. This tutorial covers a set of basic I/O manipulations possible in C++ from the iomanip header file. Note that all of the functions in the iomanip header are inside the std *namespace, so you will need to either prefix your calls with "std::" or put "using namespace std;" before using the functions. 

Dealing with Spacing Issues using iomanip

A principle aspect of nicely formatted output is that the spacing looks right. There aren't columns of text that are too long or too short, and everything is appropriately aligned. This section deals with ways of spacing output correctly.

Setting the field width with setw

The std::setw function allows you to set the minimum width of the next output via the insertion operator. setw takes, one argument, the width of the next output (insertion), an integer. if the next output is too short, then spaces will be used for padding. There is no effect if the output is longer than the width--note that the output won't be truncated. The only strange thing about setw is that its return value must be inserted into the stream. The setw function has no effect if it is called without reference to a stream. A simple example is
using namespace std;cout<<setw(10)<<"ten"<<"four"<<"four";
The output from the above would look like this:
ten       fourfour
Note that since setw takes an argument, at runtime it would be possible to specify the width of a column of output so that it is slightly wider than the longest element of the column. 

You might wonder whether it is possible to change the padding character. It turns out that yes, you can, by using the setfill function, which takes a character to use for the padding. Note that setfill should also be used as a stream manipulator only, so it must be inserted into the stream:
The above code sets the padding character to a dash, the width of the next output to be at least 80 characters, and then outputs a dash. This results in the rest of the line being filled with dashes too. The output would look like this:
Note that the pad character is changed until the next time you call setfill to change it again.

Aligning text with iomanip

It's possible to specify whether output is left or right aligned by using the manipulator flags that are part of ios_bas. In particular, it is possible to specify that output should be either left or right aligned by passing in the stream manipulators std::left and std::right.

Putting Your Knowledge of iomanip Together

Now that we know how to space and align text, we can correctly print formatted data in columns. For instance, if you had a struct containing the names of individuals:
using namespace std;struct person{    string firstname;    string lastname;};
If you then had a vector of persons, then you could output them in a nice way with evenly spaced columns for the first and last name as follows:
// given the above code, we could write thisvector<person> people;// fill the vector somehowint field_one_width = 0, field_two_width = 0;// get the max widthsfor ( vector<person>::iterator iter = people.begin();      iter != people.end();      ++iter ){    if ( iter->firstname.length() > field_one_width )    {        field_one_width = iter->firstname.length();    }    if ( iter->lastname.length() > field_two_width )    {        field_two_width = iter->lastname.length();    }}// print the elements of the vectorfor ( vector<person>::iterator iter = people.begin();      iter != people.end();      ++iter ){    cout<<setw(field_one_width)<<left<<iter->firstname;    cout<<" ";    cout<<setw(field_two_width)<<left<<iter->lastname;}
Note that the space output between the two fields wasn't strictly necessary because we could have added it by changing the first call to setw to set the width to one more than the longest first name (since it would use a space as the padding for the extra character).

Printing Numbers

Another challenge in creating nice output is correctly formatting numbers; for instance, when printing out a hexadecimal value, it would be nice if it were preceded by the "0x" prefix. More generally, it's nice to correctly set the number of trailing zeros after a decimal place.

Setting the precision of numerical output with setprecision

The setprecision function can be used to set the maximum number of digits that are displayed for a number. Like setw, it should be inserted into the stream. In fact, its usage is very similar to setw in all respects. For instance, to print the number 2.71828 to 3 decimal places:
std::cout << setprecision(3) << 2.71828;
Note that setprecision will change the precision until the next time it is passed into a given stream. So changing the above example to also print out 1.412 would result in the output of
2.71 1.41

Output in different bases

In computer science, frequently numbers need to be printed in octal or hexadecimal. The setbase function returns a value that can be passed into a stream to set the base of numbers to either base 8, 10, or 16. The input number is still read as a number in base ten, but it is printed in the given base. For instance,
std::cout << setbase(16) << 32;
will print out "20", which is 32 written in base 16. Note that you can use dec, oct, and hex as shorthand for setbase(10), setbase(8), and setbase(16) respectively when inserting into a stream. If you wish to include an indication of the base along with the printed number, you can use the setiosflags function, again passed into a stream, with an input of ios_base::showbase. Using the ios_base::showbase flag will append a "0x" in front of hexadecimal numbers and a 0 in front of octal numbers. Decimal numbers will be printed as normal.
std::cout << setbase(16) << 32;
This should get you started with the ability to create nicely formatted output in C++ without having to resort to returning to printf!


Enumerated Types - enums

Sometimes as programmers we want to express the idea that a variable will be used for a specific purpose and should only be able to have a small number of values--for instance, a variable that stores the current direction of the wind might only need to store values corresponding to north, south, east, and west. One solution to this problem might be to use an int and some #define'd values:
#define NORTH_WIND        0
#define SOUTH_WIND        1
#define EAST_WIND         2
#define WEST_WIND         3     
#define NO_WIND           4       

int wind_direction = NO_WIND;
The problem with this approach is that it doesn't really prevent someone from assigning a nonsensical value to wind_direction; for instance, I could set wind_direction to 453 without any complaints from my compiler. And if I looked at the type of wind_direction, i would see that it's just a plain old integer. there's just no way to know that something is wrong. 

The idea behind enumerated types is to create new data types that can take on only a restricted range of values. Moreover, these values are all expressed as constants rather than magic numbers--in fact, there should be no need to know the underlying values. The names of the constants should be sufficient for the purposes of comparing values. 

When you declare an enumerated type, you specify the name of the new type, and the possible values it can take on:
Note the _t at the end of the name of the type: this stands for "type" and is a way to visually distinguish the name of the type from the name of variables. Your text editor(vi,vim,notpad++) may also have the ability to use syntax highlighting to make the new type look like other built-in types, such as int, for you. 

Now we can declare a wind_directions_t variable that can only take on five values:
wind_directions_t wind_direction = NO_WIND;

wind_direction = 453; // doesn't work, we get a compiler error!
Note to C Programmers: If you're planning on using enums in C, however, you don't get this type safety. The above assignment will compile without giving you an error. By the way, if you're using enums in C, you will also need to prefix the declaration with the keyword enum: enum wind_directions_t wind_direction = NO_WIND; 

You might be wondering exactly what values the constants take on--what if you wanted to compare then using < or >? You actually have a choice: if you want to set the values yourself, you may, or you can choose to use default values, which start at zero for the first constant and increase by one. In our example, NO_WIND has the value 0, and WEST_WIND has the value 4 (just like our #define'd constants). 

On the other hand, we could reverse this by giving explicit values:
enum wind_directions_t {NO_WIND = 4, NORTH_WIND = 3, SOUTH_WIND = 2, EAST_WIND = 1, WEST_WIND = 0};
Why would you ever want to give explicit values to elements of an enumerated type? Isn't the whole point of constants so that you don't need to know what the values are? The answer is that if the values of the constant are never used outside of comparisons between elements of the enumeration, then there's almost no reason to define the values to be anything in particular (one exception is if you want one value to have multiple names, you'd have to set at least one value explicitly). But if you need the values for communicating with the outside world, you might need to give specific values. For example, if you decided to use an enum to store all of the possible text colors you could pass into a function to set the text colors, you'd probably need to make sure that the enum names, such a RED or BLUE, matched up to the values corresponding to those colors.

Printing Enums

You might wonder what happens when you print out an enum: by default, you'll get the integer value of the enum. If you want to do something fancier than that, you'll have to handle it specially.

Naming Enums

One issue with enums is that the name of the enumerated type doesn't show up along with the enum. When you use the enum constant, it could really mean anything. The problem is that if you give your enums names that are too general, you can run into problems. First, it becomes hard to tell which enumeration a constant belongs to if you have several enumerated lists of values. A related problem is that sometimes you really want to use the same name. For instance, what if you had two color schemes, each of which included the color red, but for which the value of the RED constant needed to be different? 

The solution to both of these problems is to include part of the name of the enum in the names of the constants. Notice that in the above example, I included "WIND" in the name of each enumerated constant. (Perhaps this wasn't entirely necessary--why not just have an enum for each ordinal direction? The answer is that it depends on whether someone else is already using the name. In this case, we avoid the problem by making the names specific enough that it's unlikely someone else will have a WEST_WIND constant.

Type Correctness

Because enums are "integer-like" types, they can safely be assigned into an integer without a cast. For instance, both of the following assignments are totally valid:
int my_wind = EAST_WIND;
wind_directions_t wind_direction = NO_WIND;

int my_wind = wind_direction;
As already mentioned, you can't make the reverse assignment in C++ without using a typecast. There might be times when you do need to do this, but you'd like to avoid it as best you can. For instance, if you need to convert a user's input into an enumerated type, it would be a bad idea to just typecast the variable to an int:
wind_directions_t wind_direction = NO_WIND;

std::cin >> static_cast( wind_direction );
This would let the user input any value at all and, almost as bad, force the user to know the range of values that the enum could take on. A much better solution would be to shield the user from the enumeration by asking for a string and then validating the input by comparing it to the possible input strings to choose which constant to assign the enum. For instance,
std::cout << "Please enter NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, or NONE for our wind direction";
std::cout << std::endl;

string input_wind_dir;
cin >>

wind_directions_t wind_dir;

if ( user_wind_dir == "NORTH" )
        wind_dir = NORTH_WIND;
else if ( user_wind_dir == "SOUTH" )
        wind_dir = SOUTH_WIND;
else if ( user_wind_dir == "EAST" )
        wind_dir = EAST_WIND;
else if ( user_wind_dir == "WEST" )
        wind_dir = WEST_WIND;
else if ( user_wind_dir == "NONE" )
        wind_dir = NO_WIND;
        std::cout << "That's not a valid direction!" << std::endl;

Polymorphic Enums?

In C++, we often use polymorphism to allow old code to handle new code--for instance, as long as we subclass the interface expected by a function, we can pass in the new class and expect it to work correctly with the code that was written before the new class ever existed. Unfortunately, with enums, you can't really do this, even though there are occasional times you'd like to. (For instance, if you were managing the settings for your program and you stored all of them as enum values, then it might be nice to have an enum, settings_t, from which all of your other enums inherited so that you could store every new enum in the settings list. Note that since the list contains values of different types, you can't use *templates.) 

If you need this kind of behavior, you're forced to store the enums as integers and then retrieve them using typecasts to assign the particular value to the setting of interest. And you won't even get the benefit of dynamic_cast to help you ensure that the cast is safe--you'll have to rely on the fact that incorrect values cannot be stored in the list.


The Good

  • Enums allow you to constrain the values a variable takes on
  • Enums can be used to make your program more readable by eliminating magic numbers are specifying exact what range of values a variable expects to take on
  • Enums can be used to quickly declare a range of constant values without using #define

The Gotchas

  • Enum constants must be carefully named to avoid name collisions
  • Enums don't work "polymorphically" except from the int type, which can be inconvenient



Class Design in C++

Understanding Interfaces

When you're designing a class in C++, the first thing you should decide is the public interface for the class. The public interface determines how your class will be used by other programmers (or you), and once designed and implemented it should generally stay pretty constant. You may decide to add to the interface, but once you've started using the class, it will be hard to remove functions from the public interface (unless they aren't used and weren't necessary in the first place). 

But that doesn't mean that you should include more functionality in your class than necessary just so that you can later decide what to remove from the interface. If you do this, you'll just make the class harder to use. People will ask questions like, "why are there four ways of doing this? Which one is better? How can I choose between them?" It's usually easier to keep things simple and provide one way of doing each thing unless there's a compelling reason why your class should offer multiple methods with the same basic functionality. 

At the same time, just because adding methods to the public interface (probably) won't break anything that doesn't mean that you should start off with a tiny interface. First of all, if anybody decides to inherit from your class and you then choose a function with the same name, you're in for a boatload of confusion. First, if you don't declare the function virtual, then an object of the subclass will have the function chosen depending on the static type of the pointer. This can be messy. Moreover, if you do declare it virtual, then you have the issue that it might provide a different type of functionality than was intended by the original implementation of that function. Finally, you just can't add a pure virtual function to a class that's already in use because nobody who has inherited from it will have implemented that function. 

The public interface, then, should remain as constant as possible. In fact, a good approach to designing classes is to write the interface before the implementation because it's what determines how your class interacts with the rest of the world (which is more important for the program as a whole than how the class is actually implemented). Moreover, if you write the interface first, you can get a feel for how the class will work with other classes before you actually dive into the implementation details.

Inheritance and Class Design

The second issue of your class design is what should be available to programmers who wish to create subclasses. This interface is primarily determined by virtual functions, but you can also include protected methods that are designed for use by the class or its subclasses (remember that protected methods are visible to subclasses while private methods are not). 

A key consideration is whether it makes sense for a function to be virtual. A function should be virtual when the implementation is likely to differ from subclass to subclass. Vice-versa, whenever a function should not change, then it should be made non-virtual. The key idea is to think about whether to make a function virtual by asking if the function should always be the same for every class. 

For example, if you have a class is designed to allow users to monitor network traffic and you want to allow subclasses that implement different ways of analyzing the traffic, you might use the following interface:
class TrafficWatch
        // Packet is some class that implements information about network
        // packets
        void addPacket (const Packet& network_packet);

        int getAveragePacketSize ();

        int getMaxPacket ();

        virtual bool isOverloaded ();
In this class, some methods will not change from implementation to implementation; adding a packet should always be handled the same way, and the average packet size isn't going to change either. On the other hand, someone might have a very different idea of what it means to have an overloaded network. This will change from situation to situation and we don't want to prevent someone from changing how this is computed--for some, anything over 10 Mbits/sec of traffic might be an overloaded network, and for others, it would require 100 Mbits/sec on some specific network cables. 

Finally, when publicly inheriting from any class or designing for inheritance, remember that you should strive for it to be clear that inheritance models is-a. At heart, the is-a relationship means that the subclass should be able to appear anywhere the parent class could appear. From the standpoint of the user of the class, it should not matter whether a class is the parent class or a subclass. 

To design an is-a relationship, make sure that it makes sense for the class to include certain functions to be sure that it doesn't include that subclasses might not actually need. One example of having an extra function is that of a Bird class that implements a fly function. The problem is that not all birds can fly--penguins and emus, for instance. This suggests that a more prudent design choice might be to have two subclasses of birds, one for birds that can fly and one for flightless birds. Of course, it might be overkill to have two subclasses of bird depending on how complex your class hierarchy will be. If you know that nobody would ever expect use your class for a flightless bird, then it's not so bad. Of course, you won't always know what someone will use your class for and it's much easier to think carefully before you start to implement an entire class hierarchy than it will be to go back and change it once people are using it.

Understanding Initialization Lists in C++

Understanding the Start of an Object's Lifetime

In C++, whenever an object of a class is created, its constructor is called. But that's not all--its parent class constructor is called, as are the constructors for all objects that belong to the class. By default, the constructors invoked are the default ("no-argument") constructors. Moreover, all of these constructors are called before the class's own constructor is called. 

For instance, take the following code:
#include <iostream>
class Foo
        Foo() { std::cout << "Foo's constructor" << std::endl; }
class Bar : public Foo
        Bar() { std::cout << "Bar's constructor" << std::endl; }

int main()
        // a lovely elephant ;)
        Bar bar;
The object bar is constructed in two stages: first, the Foo constructor is invoked and then the Bar constructor is invoked. The output of the above program will be to indicate that Foo's constructor is called first, followed by Bar's constructor. 

Why do this? There are a few reasons. First, each class should need to initialize things that belong to it, not things that belong to other classes. So a child class should hand off the work of constructing the portion of it that belongs to the parent class. Second, the child class may depend on these fields when initializing its own fields; therefore, the constructor needs to be called before the child class's constructor runs. In addition, all of the objects that belong to the class should be initialized so that the constructor can use them if it needs to. 

But what if you have a parent class that needs to take arguments to its constructor? This is where initialization lists come into play. An initialization list immediately follows the constructor's signature, separated by a colon:
class Foo : public parent_class
        Foo() : parent_class( "arg" ) // sample initialization list
                // you must include a body, even if it's merely empty
Note that to call a particular parent class constructor, you just need to use the name of the class (it's as though you're making a function call to the constructor). 

For instance, in our above example, if Foo's constructor took an integer as an argument, we could do this:
#include <iostream>
class Foo
        Foo( int x ) 
                std::cout << "Foo's constructor " 
                          << "called with " 
                          << x 
                          << std::endl; 

class Bar : public Foo
        Bar() : Foo( 10 )  // construct the Foo part of Bar
                std::cout << "Bar's constructor" << std::endl; 

int main()
        Bar stool;

Using Initialization Lists to Initialize Fields

In addition to letting you pick which constructor of the parent class gets called, the initialization list also lets you specify which constructor gets called for the objects that are fields of the class. For instance, if you have a string inside your class:
class Qux
                Qux() : _foo( "initialize foo to this!" ) { }
                // This is nearly equivalent to 
                // Qux() { _foo = "initialize foo to this!"; }
                // but without the extra call to construct an empty string

        std::string _foo;
Here, the constructor is invoked by giving the name of the object to be constructed rather than the name of the class (as in the case of using initialization lists to call the parent class's constructor). 

If you have multiple fields of a class, then the names of the objects being initialized should appear in the order they are declared in the class (and after any parent class constructor call):
class Baz
                Baz() : _foo( "initialize foo first" ), _bar( "then bar" ) { }

        std::string _foo;
        std::string _bar;

Initialization Lists and Scope Issues

If you have a field of your class that is the same name as the argument to your constructor, then the initialization list "does the right thing." For instance,
class Baz
                Bar( std::string foo ) : foo( foo ) { }
            std::string foo;
is roughly equivalent to
class Baz
                Bar( std::string foo )
                    this->foo = foo;
            std::string foo;
That is, the compiler knows which foo belongs to the object, and which foo belongs to the function.

Initialization Lists and Primitive Types

It turns out that initialization lists work to initialize both user-defined types (objects of classes) and primitive types (e.g., int). When the field is a primitive type, giving it an argument is equivalent to assignment. For instance,
class Quux
                Quux() : _my_int( 5 )  // sets _my_int to 5
                { }

                int _my_int;
This behavior allows you to specify templates where the templated type can be either a class or a primitive type (otherwise, you would have to have different ways of handling initializing fields of the templated type for the case of classes and objects).
class my_template
                // works as long as T has a copy constructor
                my_template( T bar ) : _bar( bar ) { }

                T _bar;

Initialization Lists and Const Fields

Using initialization lists to initialize fields is not always necessary (although it is probably more convenient than other approaches). But it is necessary for const fields. If you have a const field, then it can be initialized only once, so it must be initialized in the initialization list.
class const_field
                const_field() : _constant( 1 ) { }
                // this is an error: const_field() { _constant = 1; } 

                const int _constant;

When Else do you Need Initialization Lists?

No Default Constructor

If you have a field that has no default constructor (or a parent class with no default constructor), you must specify which constructor you wish to use.


If you have a field that is a reference, you also must initialize it in the initialization list; since references are immutable they can be initialized only once.

Initialization Lists and Exceptions

Since constructors can throw exceptions, it's possible that you might want to be able to handle exceptions that are thrown by constructors invoked as part of the initialization list. 

First, you should know that even if you catch the exception, it will get rethrown because it cannot be guaranteed that your object is in a valid state because one of its fields (or parts of its parent class) couldn't be initialized. That said, one reason you'd want to catch an exception here is that there's some kind of translation of error messages that needs to be done. 

The syntax for catching an exception in an initialization list is somewhat awkward: the 'try' goes right before the colon, and the catch goes after the body of the function:
class Foo
        Foo() try : _str( "text of string" ) 
        catch ( ... ) 
                std::cerr << "Couldn't create _str";
                // now, the exception is rethrown as if we'd written
                // "throw;" here

Initialization Lists: Summary

Before the body of the constructor is run, all of the constructors for its parent class and then for its fields are invoked. By default, the no-argument constructors are invoked. Initialization lists allow you to choose which constructor is called and what arguments that constructor receives. 

If you have a reference or a const field, or if one of the classes used does not have a default constructor, you must use an initialization list.

Lesson 20: Inheritance - Syntax

Before beginning this lesson, you should have an understanding of the idea of inheritance. If you do not, please read lesson 19. This lesson will consist of an overview of the syntax of inheritance, the use of the keywords public, private, and protected, and then an example program following to demonstrate each. 

The syntax to denote one class as inheriting from another is simple. It looks like the following: class Bear : public Animal, in place of simply the keyword class and then the class name. The ": public base_class_name" is the essential syntax of inheritance; the function of this syntax is that the class will contain all public and protected variables of the base class. Do not confuse the idea of a derived class having access to data members of a base class and specific instances of the derived class possessing data. The data members - variables and functions - possessed by the derived class are specific to the type of class, not to each individual object of that type. So, two different Bear objects, while having the same member variables and functions, may have different information stored in their variables; furthermore, if there is a class Animal with an object, say object BigAnimal, of that type, and not of a more specific type inherited from that class, those two bears will not have access to the data within BigAnimal. They will simply possess variables and functions with the same name and of the same type. 

A quick example of inheritance:
class Animal
  void eat();
  void sleep();
  void drink();

  int legs;
  int arms;
  int age;
//The class Animal contains information and functions
//related to all animals (at least, all animals this lesson uses)
class Cat : public Animal
  int fur_color;
  void purr();
  void fish();
  void markTerritory();
//each of the above operations is unique
//to your friendly furry friends
//(or enemies, as the case may be)
A discussion of the keywords public, private, and protected is useful when discussing inheritance. The three keywords are used to control access to functions and variables stored within a class.


The most open level of data hiding is public. Anything that is public is available to all derived classes of a base class, and the public variables and data for each object of both the base and derived class is accessible by code outside the class. Functions marked public are generally those the class uses to give information to and take information from the outside world; they are typically the interface with the class. The rest of the class should be hidden from the user using private or protected data (This hidden nature and the highly focused nature of classes is known collectively as encapsulation). The syntax for public is:
Everything following is public until the end of the class or another data hiding keyword is used. 

In general, a well-designed class will have no public fields--everything should go through the class's functions. Functions that retrieve variables are known as 'getters' and those that change values are known as 'setters'. Since the public part of the class is intended for use by others, it is often sensible to put the public section at the top of the class.


Variables and functions marked protected are inherited by derived classes; however, these derived classes hide the data from code outside of any instance of the object. Keep in mind, even if you have another object of the same type as your first object, the second object cannot access a protected variable in the first object. Instead, the second object will have its own variable with the same name - but not necessarily the same data. Protected is a useful level of access control for important aspects to a class that must be passed on without allowing it to be accessed. The syntax is the same as that of public. specifically,


Private is the highest level of data-hiding. Not only are the functions and variables marked private not accessible by code outside the specific object in which that data appears, but private variables and functions are not inherited (in the sense that the derived class cannot directly access these variables or functions). The level of data protection afforded by protected is generally more flexible than that of the private level. On the other hand, if you do not wish derived classes to access a method, declaring it private is sensible.

Lesson 19: Inheritance - An Overview

The ability to use the object-oriented programming is an important feature of C++. Lesson 12 introduced the idea of the class; if you have not read it and do not know the basic details of classes, you should read it before continuing this tutorial. 

Inheritance is an important feature of classes; in fact, it is integral to the idea of object oriented programming. Inheritance allows you to create a hierarchy of classes, with various classes of more specific natures inheriting the general aspects of more generalized classes. In this way, it is possible to structure a program starting with abstract ideas that are then implemented by specific classes. For example, you might have a class Animal from which class dog and cat inherent the traits that are general to all animals; at the same time, each of those classes will have attributes specific to the animal dog or cat.

Inheritance offers many useful features to programmers. The ability, for example, of a variable of a more general class to function as any of the more specific classes which inherit from it, called polymorphism, is handy. For now, we will concentrate on the basic syntax of inheritance. Polymorphism will be covered in its own tutorial.

Any class can inherit from any other class, but it is not necessarily good practice to use inheritance (put it in the bank rather than go on a vacation). Inheritance should be used when you have a more general class of objects that describes a set of objects. The features of every element of that set (of every object that is also of the more general type) should be reflected in the more general class. This class is called the base class. base classes usually contain functions that all the classes inheriting from it, known as derived classes, will need. base classes should also have all the variables that every derived class would otherwise contain.

Let us look at an example of how to structure a program with several classes. Take a program used to simulate the interaction between types of organisms, trees, birds, bears, and other creatures coinhabiting a forest. There would likely be several base classes that would then have derived classes specific to individual animal types. In fact, if you know anything about biology, you might wish to structure your classes to take advantage of the biological classification from Kingdom to species, although it would probably be overly complex. Instead, you might have base classes for the animals and the plants. If you wanted to use more base classes (a class can be both a derived of one class and a base of another), you might have classes for flying animals and land animals, and perhaps trees and scrub. Then you would want classes for specific types of animals: pigeons and vultures, bears and lions, and specific types of plants: oak and pine, grass and flower. These are unlikely to live together in the same area, but the idea is essentially there: more specific classes ought to inherit from less specific classes.

Classes, of course, share data. A derived class has access to most of the functions and variables of the base class. There are, however, ways to keep a derived class from accessing some attributes of its base class. The keywords public, protected, and private are used to control access to information within a class. It is important to remember that public, protected, and private control information both for specific instances of classes and for classes as general data types. Variables and functions designated public are both inheritable by derived classes and accessible to outside functions and code when they are elements of a specific instance of a class. Protected variables are not accessible by functions and code outside the class, but derived classes inherit these functions and variables as part of their own class. Private variables are neither accessible outside the class when it is a specific class nor are available to derived classes. Private variables are useful when you have variables that make sense in the context of large idea. 

Binary Trees in C++: Part 1

The binary tree is a fundamental data structure used in computer science. The binary tree is a useful data structure for rapidly storing sorted data and rapidly retrieving stored data. A binary tree is composed of parent nodes, or leaves, each of which stores data and also links to up to two other child nodes (leaves) which can be visualized spatially as below the first node with one placed to the left and with one placed to the right. It is the relationship between the leaves linked to and the linking leaf, also known as the parent node, which makes the binary tree such an efficient data structure. It is the leaf on the left which has a lesser key value (i.e., the value used to search for a leaf in the tree), and it is the leaf on the right which has an equal or greater key value. As a result, the leaves on the farthest left of the tree have the lowest values, whereas the leaves on the right of the tree have the greatest values. More importantly, as each leaf connects to two other leaves, it is the beginning of a new, smaller, binary tree. Due to this nature, it is possible to easily access and insert data in a binary tree using search and insert functions recursively called on successive leaves. 

The typical graphical representation of a binary tree is essentially that of an upside down tree. It begins with a root node, which contains the original key value. The root node has two child nodes; each child node might have its own child nodes. Ideally, the tree would be structured so that it is a perfectly balanced tree, with each node having the same number of child nodes to its left and to its right. A perfectly balanced tree allows for the fastest average insertion of data or retrieval of data. The worst case scenario is a tree in which each node only has one child node, so it becomes as if it were a linked list in terms of speed. The typical representation of a binary tree looks like the following:
						     /    \
						    6      14
						   / \    /  \
						  5   8  11  18
The node storing the 10, represented here merely as 10, is the root node, linking to the left and right child nodes, with the left node storing a lower value than the parent node, and the node on the right storing a greater value than the parent node. Notice that if one removed the root node and the right child nodes, that the node storing the value 6 would be the equivalent a new, smaller, binary tree.
The structure of a binary tree makes the insertion and search functions simple to implement using recursion. In fact, the two insertion and search functions are also both very similar. To insert data into a binary tree involves a function searching for an unused node in the proper position in the tree in which to insert the key value. The insert function is generally a recursive function that continues moving down the levels of a binary tree until there is an unused leaf in a position which follows the rules of placing nodes. The rules are that a lower value should be to the left of the node, and a greater or equal value should be to the right. Following the rules, an insert function should check each node to see if it is empty, if so, it would insert the data to be stored along with the key value (in most implementations, an empty node will simply be a NULL pointer from a parent node, so the function would also have to create the node). If the node is filled already, the insert function should check to see if the key value to be inserted is less than the key value of the current node, and if so, the insert function should be recursively called on the left child node, or if the key value to be inserted is greater than or equal to the key value of the current node the insert function should be recursively called on the right child node. The search function works along a similar fashion. It should check to see if the key value of the current node is the value to be searched. If not, it should check to see if the value to be searched for is less than the value of the node, in which case it should be recursively called on the left child node, or if it is greater than the value of the node, it should be recursively called on the right child node. Of course, it is also necessary to check to ensure that the left or right child node actually exists before calling the function on the node.
Because binary trees have log (base 2) n layers, the average search time for a binary tree is log (base 2) n. To fill an entire binary tree, sorted, takes roughly log (base 2) n * n. Let's take a look at the necessary code for a simple implementation of a binary tree. First, it is necessary to have a struct, or class, defined as a node.
struct node
  int key_value;
  node *left;
  node *right;
The struct has the ability to store the key_value and contains the two child nodes which define the node as part of a tree. In fact, the node itself is very similar to the node in a linked list. A basic knowledge of the code for a linked list will be very helpful in understanding the techniques of binary trees. Essentially, pointers are necessary to allow the arbitrary creation of new nodes in the tree.
It is most logical to create a binary tree class to encapsulate the workings of the tree into a single area, and also making it reusable. The class will contain functions to insert data into the tree and to search for data. Due to the use of pointers, it will be necessary to include a function to delete the tree in order to conserve memory after the program has finished.
class btree

        void insert(int key);
        node *search(int key);
        void destroy_tree();

        void destroy_tree(node *leaf);
        void insert(int key, node *leaf);
        node *search(int key, node *leaf);
        node *root;
The insert and search functions that are public members of the class are designed to allow the user of the class to use the class without dealing with the underlying design. The insert and search functions which will be called recursively are the ones which contain two parameters, allowing them to travel down the tree. The destroy_tree function without arguments is a front for the destroy_tree function which will recursively destroy the tree, node by node, from the bottom up. 
The code for the class would look similar to the following:
It is necessary to initialize root to NULL for the later functions to be able to recognize that it does not exist.
The destroy_tree function will set off the recursive function destroy_tree shown below which will actually delete all nodes of the tree.
void btree::destroy_tree(node *leaf)
    delete leaf;
The function destroy_tree goes to the bottom of each part of the tree, that is, searching while there is a non-null node, deletes that leaf, and then it works its way back up. The function deletes the leftmost node, then the right child node from the leftmost node's parent node, then it deletes the parent node, then works its way back to deleting the other child node of the parent of the node it just deleted, and it continues this deletion working its way up to the node of the tree upon which delete_tree was originally called. In the example tree above, the order of deletion of nodes would be 5 8 6 11 18 14 10. Note that it is necessary to delete all the child nodes to avoid wasting memory.
void btree::insert(int key, node *leaf)
  if(key< leaf->key_value)
     insert(key, leaf->left);
      leaf->left=new node;
      leaf->left->left=NULL;    //Sets the left child of the child node to null
      leaf->left->right=NULL;   //Sets the right child of the child node to null
  else if(key>=leaf->key_value)
      insert(key, leaf->right);
      leaf->right=new node;
      leaf->right->left=NULL;  //Sets the left child of the child node to null
      leaf->right->right=NULL; //Sets the right child of the child node to null
The case where the root node is still NULL will be taken care of by the insert function that is nonrecursive and available to non-members of the class. The insert function searches, moving down the tree of children nodes, following the prescribed rules, left for a lower value to be inserted and right for a greater value, until it finds an empty node which it creates using the 'new' keyword and initializes with the key value while setting the new node's child node pointers to NULL. After creating the new node, the insert function will no longer call itself.
node *btree::search(int key, node *leaf)
      return leaf;
      return search(key, leaf->left);
      return search(key, leaf->right);
  else return NULL;
The search function shown above recursively moves down the tree until it either reaches a node with a key value equal to the value for which the function is searching or until the function reaches an uninitialized node, meaning that the value being searched for is not stored in the binary tree. It returns a pointer to the node to the previous instance of the function which called it, handing the pointer back up to the search function accessible outside the class.
void btree::insert(int key)
    insert(key, root);
    root=new node;
The public version of the insert function takes care of the case where the root has not been initialized by allocating the memory for it and setting both child nodes to NULL and setting the key_value to the value to be inserted. If the root node already exists, insert is called with the root node as the initial node of the function, and the recursive insert function takes over.
node *btree::search(int key)
  return search(key, root);
The public version of the search function is used to set off the search recursion at the root node, keeping it from being necessary for the user to have access to the root node.
void btree::destroy_tree()
The public version of the destroy tree function is merely used to initialize the recursive destroy_tree function which then deletes all the nodes of the tree. 

Lesson 17: Functions with variable-length argument lists

Perhaps you would like to have a function that will accept any number of values and then return the average. You don't know how many arguments will be passed in to the function. One way you could make the function would be to accept a pointer to an array. Another way would be to write a function that can take any number of arguments. So you could write avg(4, 12.2, 23.3, 33.3, 12.1); or you could write avg(2, 2.3, 34.4); Some library functions can accept a variable list of arguments (such as the venerable printf). 

To use a function with variable number of arguments, or more precisely, a function without a set number of arguments, you would use the cstdarg header file. There are four parts needed: va_list, which stores the list of arguments, va_start, which initializes the list, va_arg, which returns the next argument in the list, and va_end, which cleans up the variable argument list. Whenever a function is declared to have an indeterminate number of arguments, in place of the last argument you should place an ellipsis (which looks like '...'), so, int a_function ( int x, ... ); would tell the compiler the function should accept however many arguments that the programmer uses, as long as it is equal to at least one, the one being the first, x. 

va_list is like any other variable. For example,
va_list a_list; 
va_start is a macro which accepts two arguments, a va_list and the name of the variable that directly precedes the ellipsis (...). So, in the function a_function, to initialize a_list with va_start, you would write va_start ( a_list, x ); 

va_arg takes a va_list and a variable type, and returns the next argument in the list in the form of whatever variable type it is told. It then moves down the list to the next argument. For example, va_arg ( a_list, double ) will return the next argument, assuming it exists, in the form of a double. The next time it is called, it will return the argument following the last returned number, if one exists. 

To show how each of the parts works, take an example function:
#include <cstdarg>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

double average ( int num, ... )
  va_list arguments;                     // A place to store the list of arguments
  double sum = 0;

  va_start ( arguments, num );           // Initializing arguments to store all values after num
  for ( int x = 0; x < num; x++ )        // Loop until all numbers are added
    sum += va_arg ( arguments, double ); // Adds the next value in argument list to sum.
  va_end ( arguments );                  // Cleans up the list

  return sum / num;                      // Returns some number (typecast prevents truncation)
int main()
  cout<< average ( 3, 12.2, 22.3, 4.5 ) <<endl;
  cout<< average ( 5, 3.3, 2.2, 1.1, 5.5, 3.3 ) <<endl;
It isn't necessarily a good idea to use a variable argument list at all times, because the potential exists for assuming a value is of one type, while it is in fact another, such as a null pointer being assumed to be an integer. Consequently, variable argument lists should be used sparingly. 

'프로그래밍 > C, C++' 카테고리의 다른 글

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