** CTable. Version 1.0.
/*NOTE: Minor Changes have been made to enable this program to run under TClite
Credit goes to David van Leerdam
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <conio.h>

#define NAMELEN 11
#define MAX 10
#define MIN 1

char name[NAMELEN];
short int number,wrong;
int table,answer,ch;
int checktable(int table);

int checktable(int table);
void cap(char *ptr2name);

int main(void)
printf("\nCTable by David van Leerdam\n");
printf("Please enter your name (max. %d): ",NAMELEN-1);
printf("\nDo you want to practise some tables? (Y/N) ",name);
ch = toupper((int)getch());

if (ch == 'N') {
printf("\nOkidoki %s, but you'll have to do extra tomorrow!\n",name);


do {
printf("\nWhich table? ");
  number = MIN;

// hier worden de tafelsommen gemaakt
// en gecontroleerd.

do {
printf("%d x %d = ",number,table);
if (answer != (number*table))
printf("WRONG! %d x %d = %d!\n",number,table,number*table);

// beoordeling.

} while (number++ != (MAX));
switch(wrong) {
case 0: printf("\n%s: I'm proud of you! No wrong answer found practising table of %d!",name,table); break;
case 1:
case 2: printf("\n%s: Good work! You gave only %d wrong answers doing table of %d.",name,wrong,table); break;
case 3:
case 4: printf("\n%s: Can't you do a lot better? %d wrong anwers found doing table of %d.",name,wrong,table); break;
default : printf("\n%s: Practise a little more. You gave %d wrong answers doing table %d.",name,wrong,table); }
printf("\nDo you want to practice again? (Y/N) ");
ch = toupper((int)getch());
} while (ch != 'N');
printf("\nCTable version 1.0. Copyright by David van Leerdam.\n");

// hier wordt gecontroleerd of het tafelnr. een heel getal is.
int checktable(int table)
if ((table < 0) || (table == '\n')) {
fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR: Input has to be a valid positive integer.\n");
   return 1;

// verander de eerste letter van de naam in een hoofdletter.

void cap(char *ptr2name)
*ptr2name = toupper((int)*ptr2name);

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